Monday, July 22, 2013


The blogs I commented on - followed by my comment - are as follows:

I really like how you tried it out with a chapter that you knew the student could handle.  The last thing you want when flipping the classroom if for the students to be overwhelmed at home and give up.

The technology I would kill in my school would actually be the repressive internet filter.  I understand the need for a filter, but it seems to filter out way too many sites, especially when students are logged in.

To be honest, I don't often think about the physical space and setup of the classroom.  I am always in 2 or 3 different classrooms, and I do not reflect enough on how they should be set up.  I like your point about the two contrasting meeting places.


Audacity is a great and simple program that you can use to have students make recordings and save them - either to their own personal drive or to the shared folder. It is extremely useful when students are doing a speaking activity, as they can easily save their file into the teacher's shared folder so the teacher can grade them at his/her convenience.

You can download the program at:

It is free and open source, meaning it can work on all platforms.

This is a blog that will attempt to be a place to share technology ideas that can help teaching and support learning.  Feel free to post and share anything that you have come across or have tried in the classroom.